Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
CHECKTV.ZIP | Yes | 1533 | 10/9/1992 | Check (ES) is C++ source that shows how to create Turbo Vision menus with check items. (Ezra Shabi) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
EZHINT.ZIP | Yes | 7141 | 12/9/1992 | EZHint shows how to implement the help message functionality of Turbo Vision status lines. (Patrick Reilly) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FACETV.ZIP | Yes | 159205 | 2/4/1994 | Face_TV Library 1.3 is a user-interface library for Turbo Vision, written in C++. (Chris Ahlstrom) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LISTVI.ZIP | Yes | 7241 | 12/1/1993 | ListViewBox Class is a multilple-list ListViewBox. (Craig Porter) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LISTVW.ZIP | Yes | 4197 | 7/19/1993 | ListView source code for a derived TListViewer for Turbo Vision. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MIBXB3.ZIP | Yes | 141420 | 3/9/1994 | Message and Input Boxes 1.0 is an improvement over the messageBox (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
MIBXB4.ZIP | Yes | 164069 | 3/9/1994 | Message and Input Boxes For Turbo Vision is an improvement over the messageBox for Borland C++ 4.0. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
OPTION.ZIP | Yes | 9884 | 10/25/1992 | Option accepts a TColleciton of strings for the source of a picklist. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PASSWORD.ZIP | Yes | 4269 | 10/21/1993 | PassWord (RWS) shows how to set up a password style text box. (Raymond W. Six) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PRINTQ.ZIP | Yes | 11448 | 6/24/1993 | Printq shows how to allow a Turbo Vision application to perform quasi-background printing. (Patrick Reilly) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PROGBAR.ZIP | Yes | 13313 | 10/12/1992 | Progbar contains a TV Progress Bar class with source code. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TCOMBO.ZIP | Yes | 19151 | 11/18/1992 | Tcombo contains TV source code designed to create a Combo Box similar in functionality to the one in Microsoft Windows. (Vincent Dentice) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
THANDLER.ZIP | Yes | 90148 | 1/11/1994 | THandler 2.0 is an interrupt 24H handler that replaces Turbo Vision's TSystemError class. (Comsoft Software) (Reg.Fee: $23) |
TI1006.ZIP | Yes | 3255 | 2/25/1993 | TI1006 explains how to create an overlaid TV program. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TITLBAR.ZIP | Yes | 7943 | 10/3/1992 | Titlebar includes the code necessary to use a title bar with TV. (Patrick Reilly) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TOGMENU.ZIP | Yes | 70359 | 7/28/1994 | TogMenu documents the steps needed to modify Turbo Vision's TMenuView class to allow toggle items to appear on your menus. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TV2VAL.ZIP | Yes | 38632 | 2/2/1995 | TV 2 Validator Class Examples and Notes shows how to use the new validator classes for Turbo Vision 2.0 and some notes on usage. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TVALT.ZIP | Yes | 20040 | 10/6/1992 | Tvalt provides a method that allows TV to use an alternative display method than the default direct-video writes. (Patrick Reilly) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TVCAPTUR.CPP | No | 3906 | 4/13/1993 | TVCAPTUR lets you redirect output to a window via a file handle; ie: using "printf()". (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TVCOLORD.ZIP | Yes | 110017 | 12/17/1993 | TVColorDialog 2.0 is a TV dialog box for changing an app's colors and background pattern. (Comsoft Software) (Reg.Fee: $23) |
TVCOLR.ZIP | Yes | 207289 | 2/18/1994 | TVColr 1.0 allows you to extend and modify colors for derived TV classes using one simple header file. (Eric Woodruf) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TVE1B3.ZIP | Yes | 299887 | 3/15/1994 | Virtual Mem. Text Ed. Classes BC31 are intended as a total replacement for the default Turbo Vision editor classes TEditor, TMemo, TFileEditor, TEditWindow, and TIndicator. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $23) |
TVE1B4.ZIP | Yes | 322180 | 3/15/1994 | Virtual Mem. Text Ed. Classes BC4 1.0 are intended as a total replacement for the default Turbo Vision editor classes TEditor, TMemo, TFileEditor, TEditWindow, and TIndicator. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $23) |
TVTOOLS.ZIP | Yes | 145961 | 6/11/1993 | TVTools is a library of general-purpose tools for TurboVision. (Marc Stern) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TYPES10.ZIP | Yes | 347172 | 4/11/1995 | Types (DEMC) 1.0 is a library used to support the creation of reusable software components in C++. (Diego Ernesto Malpica Chauvet) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
VE2TV103.ZIP | Yes | 332340 | 8/10/1994 | TVMEditor for Turbo Vision 1.03 v.2.0 is a replacement for TEditor. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $59) |
VE2TV2.ZIP | Yes | 307165 | 8/10/1994 | TVMEditor for Turbo Vision 2.0 v.2.0 is a replacement for TEditor. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $59) |
WW_TV.ZIP | Yes | 46370 | 8/25/1992 | Wordwrap has modules for a wordwrapping editor. (Primatech Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $?) |